The heart of learning in our thriving community.
Welcome to Greymouth High School | Māwhera.
Principal’s Welcome
Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai haere mai ki te Kura Tuarua o Māwhera. Welcome to Greymouth High School.
I am very proud to be the principal of Greymouth High School where we have a welcoming and caring culture and where all of our students are supported to learn in their own way.
We recognise the importance of having a close partnership between our rangatahi and their whānau so they can find success in whatever success looks like to them.
Our vision is to be The Heart of Learning in our Thriving Community and we recognise that it is our responsibility to engage every student in learning for life. In this way, by giving each one a positive experience of learning, we believe that we play a key role in our whole community thriving.
Whāia te iti kahurangi – strive for success
Noho ora mai
Sam Mortimer
Senior Leadership Team
